While neither of us really felt that the 21 days would never end, Rich is still craving diet soda something fierce. He's an avid...avid soda drinker (really he likes most varieties of drinks), so living without it has been tough for him. Especially since I bought three 12-packs of soda about a week ago! The book also points out that you may experience "fatigue, cold- and flu-like symptoms, low blood sugar, or self-doubt. Day 3 is the beginning of some of the hardest days for most folks!" Ouch. Okay, so most of that wasn't true for either Rich or I, but I certainly had some flu-like symptoms/low blood sugar issues early in the morning. I got up with Rich to make him a breakfast smoothie, and all of a sudden I felt a little like I was going to throw up. Then I felt a lot like I was going to throw up. Feeling like this in the morning on occasion is actually nothing new to me (I'm convinced I have some sort of equilibrium/temperature regulation issue), but I knew it had to have had something to do with cutting sugar completely. out. of. my. diet! I never threw up thankfully. I just
For lunch, we both had leftover beef and bacon cottage pie (yum x 2!), and for dinner I made lemon chicken with artichoke hearts and broccoli on the side. Honestly, the recipe didn't sound or look that fabulous to me from the start, but I'm all about experimenting my way through this. In the end, my instincts were right: neither of us really liked it all that much. Rich said it just tasted like "chicken and vegetables." Booooring! Especially for the amount of work I put into it (not a ton, but enough for it to be better than "chicken and vegetables"). After dinner, we went on another nice long walk (2 miles) and shortly after headed in for bed. All in all, it was a good day.
I'm hoping to update daily, if for no other reason than to document my thoughts and feelings throughout the 21 days. I hope you'll come back and cheer for me along the way.
Check out other posts in this series:
Day 1: The 21 Day Sugar Detox
Day 2: The 21 Day Sugar Detox
*I mentioned I would elaborate more on the recipies thing. I'm still researching what I can and cannot publish on my personal blog. While I know very few people read it, I feel a strong sense of responsibility to the woman (and the village of people who helped her) who wrote and published these books. I'd love to share the recipes with everyone as I know it must be frustrating to read how delicious the meals are and not get a chance to try it yourself, but I want to make sure to do it the right way. I'm looking into it, but in the mean time, because many of you have asked me for the recipe for the beef and bacon cottage pie, I will type it out and private message you on Facebook with it. That, I believe, is just fine and dandy since I'm just sharing a single recipe with a couple friends (something I could do if we were both sitting on my couch talking about it). Either way, thanks for your interest. I hope you continue to follow my journey. P.S. Rich also shared that he was a "little light-headed and tired," but he also said, "that means it's working." Every cloud has a silver lining! :)
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